Practice dentistry in Canada
Ready to practice dentistry in Canada? Then International Dentists Canada (IDC) is your go-to resource for a seamless transition. We guide internationally trained dentists through every step of the process. Led by Dr. Abhijit Patil, we provide expert guidance to help you navigate this complex process and achieve your dream of practicing in Canada.
Why Choose to Practice Dentistry in Canada?
Canada’s dental industry is renowned for its high standards and opportunities. However, internationally trained dentists face unique challenges to get started. Fortunately, at IDC we simplify this journey with professional support. From immigration to licensure, we help you practice dentistry in Canada with ease.
Dr. Patil, our founder, walked this path himself. As a Prosthodontist and Canadian Permanent Resident, he knows what it takes. His experience inspired IDC’s mission to assist dentists like you. With our tailored guidance, you’ll meet Canada’s strict regulations confidently.